KERA - Ceramic cutters
For acrylics and green compacts of zirconium oxide
The new Generation of cutters made of white ceramic captivates through the typical and advantageous properties of this high-performance ceramic. The series comprises eight different ceramic cutters in the well-established cut designs“X” and “GQSR”..
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Gentle treatment without distressing the patient is desirable when producing dental preparations.
More information about COOL DIAMANT

ZIRAMANT instruments
Zirconium dioxide or for short zirconium oxide is rapidly developing to a trend material. We added the new ZIRAMANT instruments for use in the dental practice to our range of diamond instruments
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1SXM Excavating bur
Preserving as much healthy tooth substance as possible when repairing minor carious defects is the most important objective in modern dental care. This is only possible if the instruments used permit a gentle mode of operation without causing discomfort to the patient. The 1SXM carbide bur from BUSCH is such an instrument.
More information about excavating bur 1SXM

Longlife PERIO PRO
Cleaning and smoothening the root surface
Cleaning and smoothening the root surface is an essential objective of prophylactic and periodontal treatment. Our LongLife PERIO PRO range has been developed for this purpose.
More information about LongLife PERIO PRO

Crown cutters
Efficient working on different frame material by the cutting of crowns and bridges puts highest demands on the material and the cuts of rotary instruments.
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164 LA Bone cutter
Better overview during surgical operations
Our bone cutter 164LA of durable, finest-grain carbide material meets with the requirements of modern oral surgery for minimal invasive, substance-maintaining treatment.
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SHORTIES and MIDIS are in the dental technique, that synonym for high quality and low costs.
More information about MIDIS and SHORTIES

Working on acrylics and plaster
Working on acrylics and plaster in dental laboratories can be a laborious and time-consuming task when using unsuitable instruments. The quality of the materials may suffer, for instance due to overheating of acrylics. This is effectively prevented with the diamond instruments in the DiaTWISTER range.

Steri-Safe wave
The new bur block 5773 with the convincing innovative advantages for safety and hygiene.
and offers place for 14 FG and 12 WST instruments.
More information about bur block 5773